For one director of marketing posting in Chicago yesterday, a job competition report showed a wide range of desired salaries& from$ 78,000 to$ 93,000. 以昨天芝加哥的一个市场营销总监职位为例,“职位竞争情况报告”显示,大部分求职者的期望薪酬在78000至93000美元之间。
Emily Rybinski, director of marketing for the Charleston Symphony, says she and her husband, who live in Johns Island, S.C., will scale back on spending as a result of the pay cut. 查尔斯顿交响乐团的市场总监艾米利•罗宾斯基(EmilyRybinski)说,由于薪水减少,她和住在南卡罗来纳州约翰岛的丈夫将削减家庭开支。
"Older workers stereotypically view younger workers as not as competent and not having such a work ethic," said Eric Buntin, managing director of marketing and operations for Randstad USA. “任仕达美国”营销与运营部的营销总监埃里克•邦汀说:“年长员工对年轻员工抱有一种成见,他们认为年轻员工不够称职,职业道德欠缺;
"Until now, the only known strategy for meeting a prince has been to kiss lots of frogs," director of marketing at Badoo said. “至今为止,所知的唯一策略就是,要遇到王子,那之前就要亲吻许多的青蛙。”Badoo的市场总监说。
'Everyone'wants to be there, says Edmund Ko, director of marketing for the Sanya Marriott. 三亚万豪酒店市场营销主管EdmundKo说,“人人”都向往那里。
The third customer stakeholder is Marty M.Weasel, the marketing director of product marketing. 第三位人物是客户的利益相关者MartyM.Weasel,他是产品销售部门的负责人。
"All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families, some of them were spoiled," said Jennifer Myers, director of marketing and communications at the school. 所有在瓦莱弗戈男子中学学习的中国学生都来自于富裕家庭,其中一些被娇惯坏了,该校市场公关部总监珍妮佛迈尔斯说。
When surrounded by smart people, your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance, but that's the wrong way to go, according to Doug Edwards, Google's first director of marketing and brand management, who joined the company in 1999. 当周围全是聪明人时,你的本能冲动可能是掩盖自己的无知,但是这种方式是错误的,谷歌的第一位市场营销和品牌管理主任DougEdwards这样认为。他是1999加入谷歌的。
It is not scalable for a low-cost device to pay several dollars a month just to have connectivity, says Zach Shelby, director of technical marketing for the internet of things at Arm, the chip designer. 芯片设计公司Arm的物联网技术营销总监扎克谢尔比(ZachShelby)说:每月光为了让一个低成本设备联网就要支付好几美元,这是无法推广的。
So, the new model is participation marketing and Justin Kirby is the managing director of the marketing company, Digital Media Communications and he joins us now. 于是,我们又有了新的营销模式,参与式营销。贾斯汀·科比,营销公司“数字媒体通信”的执行官,今天做客“文化冲击”。
Cushman is director of marketing for a chain of Italian restaurants. 库什曼是一家连锁意大利饭馆的市场部总裁。
'We're focusing on the fashion'rather than technical features, said John New, Dell's director of consumer marketing. 戴尔消费者市场总监约翰•纽(JohnNew)说,我们更关注时尚而不是技术功能。
The calls, according to the letter, came from Chris Ryder, director of potash marketing for BHP. 信中提到,必和必拓的电话来自该公司钾肥营销总监克里斯莱德(chrisryder)。
Director of Marketing will submit a proposal outlining the special rate offered, the validity, the targeted audience and the benefits included to General Manager for approval. 市场总监应向总经理提交施行大纲,阐述特殊房价执行的有效性、目标消费群体和收益情况,获得批准后方可执行。
Promoted from Sales Representative within one year of joining company to Director of Sales and Marketing. 自加入公司一年内从销售代表提升为营销部主任。
In fact our Chief Executive appointed an American as Director of Marketing and Sales. 实际上我们的总裁委任一名美国人作为营销和销售部主管。
Lucy Li has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Sheraton Xian North City Hotel. 近日,李敏被西安赛瑞喜来登大酒店任命为市场销售总监。
In my last position, I worked my way up to being director of the marketing department. 在最后一个岗位上,我通过自己的努力当上了市场部主任。
The typical focus-group response to Buick is that it's perceived as a car for older people, and not for me, says Russ Clark, executive director of marketing for Buick, Pontiac and GMC. 负责别克、庞蒂克和GMC营销的常务董事拉斯克拉克(Clark)表示:目标客户对别克的典型反应是,在人们的认知中,这款车适合年纪较大的人,不适合我。'
Peter Sun, the assistant General Manager and Director of Sales and Marketing of Furama Hotel Dalian. 《大酒店》有幸采访到该酒店总经理助理兼市场销售部总监孙元坝先生。
But, Roger Ngan, director of marketing for the family-owned Maisto, says, Brazil is popping while Colombia and Peru are all doing very well. 这家家族企业的营销总监RogerNgan指出,巴西正在兴起,哥伦比亚和秘鲁也都表现很好。
"We wanted a campaign that was both inspirational and consistent with our objectives as an organization," said Ken Sheirr, Rockets director of marketing. “我们希望这场运动不但充满激情而且与我们的目标一致,”市场部主任肯协尔说。
When I got the news I was being promoted to be Director of Marketing, I felt like walking on air. 在我被提升为市场部经理的消息后,我真是感到飘飘然,走起路来好像腾云驾雾一样。
Thirteen years later, Mr Banga signed on as director of marketing for PepsiCo restaurants in India. 13年后,彭安杰签约成为百事餐饮印度区营销主管。
If she keeps working so hard, soon she will become the director of the marketing department. 如果继续这样努力工作,她不久就会成为市场部的经理。
Director of Marketing on the sales trips undertaken, special discounts etc. 市场总监-采取的销售策略、特殊折扣情况等。